You might have noticed these days, People around are talking about Dark webs Deep webs Surface webs etc. etc.
do you know whats' the actual thing behind ?
The World Wide Web is mainly consists of 3 Parts
- Surface Web
- Deep Web
- Dark Web
Surface Web: It is the visible part of the world wide web which is available for general public, and searchable through standard search engines.
Here your all Social networking sites, YouTube, Wikipedia, Blogs comes under, its the normal web content which normal people takes in use.
and the content is mostly legal.
Deep Web: Its the Invisible web or hidden part of world wide web, which is not indexed by standard search engines for any reason
The content of the deep web is hidden behind HTTPS forms,
and includes many very common uses such as online banking, web mail, Office databases of any organization, Some Paid Contents etc. etc.
Content of the deep web can be located and accessed by a direct URL or IP address, and may require password or other security access pass.
The content of the deep web is hidden behind HTTPS forms,
and includes many very common uses such as online banking, web mail, Office databases of any organization, Some Paid Contents etc. etc.
Content of the deep web can be located and accessed by a direct URL or IP address, and may require password or other security access pass.
Dark Web: The dark web consists of contents which is present on darkness of world wide web,
overlay network that uses specific authentication or software, or else its not accessible,
deep down the dark web, there is another thing called dark net. which is not exactly a direct part of world wide web, its more likely Peer to Peer connection, mostly an encrypted network that's limited to only a secret group of people, here mostly illegal activities like Drug dealing, human trafficking, Child pornography, organ black marketing, takes place,
And transactions are done with one and only Crypto currencies, like bitcoin, monero, etc.